Monday, April 21, 2008

My Mid-Life Crisis

I'll be 43 years old in a couple of months. We're having my 25 year high school reunion this year. Next month my wife and I will have been married 14 years. In other words, I'm at that stage in my life where men do stupid things.

In that spirit, I've decided to try to train for and complete a marathon. I'm thinking of the Marine Corps Marathon in Washington, DC in October. My thoughts are that since the race is about six months off, I'll have enough time to get ready. I'll need it. Right now I run three miles about three times a week. I do the Cooper River Bridge Run in Charleston every year (including this year) and it's a 10k (6.2 miles) but that's about it as far as distance goes. I'll probably follow the Jeff Galloway run/walk method. A friend of mine from high school followed it to run his first marathon.

Anyway, wish me luck. I know this isn't nearly as exciting as most mid-life crises, but hopefully a lot better for me.


Kelly said...


Good luck to you. I ran a half marathon at 34 and two 10 milers the next two years but never made it to try a full marathon. I was always one of the slowest finishers but I finished. I would love to do it again but a few extra pounds now make my lower extremities scream for mercy at the thought. Working on that :)

Tom B. said...

I've run the M.C. Marathon (quite a while ago now) and seen Jeff Galloway with his groupies on that course. Two thoughts:

1) The M.C. Marathon is very professionally done (by Marines!) and very beautiful, but *very* crowded. If I were to do another one, it'd probably be a less popular one, because avoiding heels and toes gets tiring (but if you're not from town, it's an awesome way to take in the sights).

2) I didn't do the Galloway program strictly (did some of his training, but was too proud to do the walk/run). If I had been more strict about it for my first marathon, I am convinced I would have had a better time (I mean time in the chronological sense).

Peace in Christ,